President Dave Dominick called the meeting to order at 5:25 pm. at the University Club.
The initial gathering was 17 Rotarians, one visitor, and several on zoom. President Dave had all present stand to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the 4-Way Test.
Welcome Greeter – Patrick Brault.
Tech Team – Matt Magers, Dave Wolfgram and Al Zdravil.
Bill Collins introduced visiting Rotarians and guests which numbered one.
President Dave announced six members with March birthdays, and 12 Rotarians with multiple
years of membership. Of the 12, Scott Vann led with most years as a member – 44 years with Saint Paul Rotary.
The program presented by President Dave titled “Rotary Tools for Making Connections 101” This included: How to access your Saint Paul Rotary Account. ClubRunner. Member Quick Links. My Rotary Member Dashboard. Your Member Status. Rotary International.
The three presenters, past President Michael-Jon Pease, past District Governor Ken Crabb, and also President Dave Dominick. Happy Dollars were collected by Bill Collins. Club announcements presented by President Dave Dominick. The meeting was adjourned at 6:20pm.
Best question of the 5:01 meeting: Who is Paul Harris?
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Bob Cardinal M: 651-398-1457
P.S. Save the Date. April 19, 2023 -- Rotary Annual Community Forum