Youth Exchange
The Saint Paul Rotary Club offers opportunities for students ages 15-19 to engage in short-term (between a few days and 3 months in length) or long-term (full academic year) exchanges with Rotary Clubs around the world. Students learn a new language, discover another culture, and truly become global citizens. Room, board, and school fees are all provided for sponsored students. CLICK HERE for more information!
Centennial Scholarship
In celebration of the Club's centennial, St. Paul Rotary created an endowed scholarship program to offer $5,000-per-year college scholarships (for up to four years and $20,000 each). Eligible students are St. Paul high school graduates who have participated in Camp RYLA.
Since 2010, eleven scholars have been selected. Their careers have varied from medicine to marketing at colleges and universities from UW-LaCrosse to Stanford. We can't wait to see all the change they make in the world!